A comparison essay is one where you either compare-and-contrast or you pick one of the two.
When you are writing this type of paper you need to first determine the similarities as well as the differences by listing them on a piece of paper or on a text document. Determine whether the differences or the similarities are more important. Then list them in order of importance from least important to most important. This is the best way to present them in a paper. While you can do both it is easier for students to only discuss the similarities or only discuss the differences.
One plan is best for multiple smaller similarities and/or differences. This plan starts with your introduction. After this you list everything that you wanted to say about the first item/event/person. Then you list everything you want to say about the second item/event/person. During the second part you should compare/contrast each item from the second part with the items you listed in the first part.
In this particular plan all of your comparing/contrasting takes place in the second half of the essay.
Another plan is reserved for those with bigger similarities/differences. Following the introduction you should pick one similarity or difference that applies to both items/events/people and discuss it. In the next paragraph you discuss the next similarity or difference that applies to both. You continue this pattern until all of the similarities/differences are covered. If you opt for this organizational plan you should have a comparison/contrast in each paragraph in order from least important to most important.
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