Writing an essay is one of the most assigned tasks for students since the start of their academic careers. They start writing these papers in early grades and the topics are comparatively simple like school, teachers, home, parents and favorite sports etc. As they promote to higher grades they learn different types of essays and the length and complication of these papers increases. One good thing about essay writing is that the format remains the same for all papers. Every essay starts with a winning introduction where students need to present their topic to the readers in an engaging manner. The next thing after the introduction is the body of your paper where you introduce your major arguments and explain them. The last thing in your paper is the conclusion where you summarize the entire work in one paragraph.
Today we will talk about the introduction and tips to write a great one. Before we start learning about tips to write a great introduction, we need to understand its purpose and importance for the paper. An introduction is the first paragraph in your paper and must be able to present your topic and scope of work to the readers. This should not talk about the results or conclusion but must engage the readers to know more about the paper. This is the first impression of your paper so it must be very engaging and interesting. A reader will not continue reading your paper if the introduction does not impress him or her.
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